Mastercard is working on a new biometric payment system, which identifies users by gait, face, heartbeat and veins.Forbes Russia reports citing Mastercard President of Cyber and Intelligence Solutions Ajay Bhalla that the payment system is negotiating with public transport firms on introduction of new technologies for fee payment.Bhalla has explained that Mastercard considers the mentioned traits unique. “The way you hold your phone, which ear you use, and how your fingers touch the buttons are all unique to you. We have been testing heartbeat, vein technology, and the way people walk to authenticate people,” he said.The most unusual idea is authentication by gait. Mastercard suggests installing cameras on ticket barriers to identify the approaching passengers. As soon as the technology identifies the passengers, it lets them pass and charges the fee from the added card or credit account.Earlier, The Wall Street Journal reported that the world’s largest online retailer Amazon planned to create ATMs which accept payments via a touch of hand instead of bank card or smartphone.Amazon wants to install the new ATMs in cafes, fast food restaurants and other points of sale. The company explained that people would scan their palms during the first session and add the biometric data to their banking accounts. Afterwards they would be able to make payments with a single touch of the hand.The partner of Fintech section is Tweet Views 18173