In the period from 18 July to 11 December 2023 Armeconombank will distribute the subsequent tranches of dollar and dram bonds issued by it.The total volume of dollar bonds to be placed amounts to AMD 5.0 mln, which includes 50,000 units of nominal, non-documentary coupon bonds with a nominal value of USD 100. The annual coupon yield of bonds is 5.00%, the circulation period is 36 months. The payment of coupon income will be made in semi-annual intervals.The overall volume of dram bonds is AMD 1,5 bn, which includes 150,000 units of nominal, non-documentary, coupon bonds with a nominal value of AMD 10,000. The annual coupon yield of bonds is 11.25%, the circulation period is 36 months. The payment of coupon income will be made in semi-annual intervals. The repayment date of both dollar and dram bonds is 18.07.2026.After the completion of the placement, the bonds will be submitted to listing on "Armenia Stock Exchange" OJSC and will have a market maker.Bonds can be purchased by individuals and legal entities by applying to the Head Office or any branch of ARMECONOMBANK OJSC.The Program Prospectus has been registered by the Central Bank of RA on 28 June 2023. You can read and download the Program Prospectus and the final terms of issue from the Bank's website: and the paper version can be obtained by visiting the Head Office of ARMECONOMBANK OJSC, address: Yerevan, Amiryan 23/1.*Funds involved in nominal coupon bonds issued by the Bank are considered a guaranteed bank deposit and are guaranteed by the "Deposit Compensation Fund" in accordance with the RA Law "On Guaranteeing Compensation of Bank Deposits of Individuals",.Also, income from bonds is not taxable for individuals.* As any financial instrument, acquisition of bonds also implies certain risks that are presented in Prospectus. Tweet Views 17263