On November 28 during the annual meeting of the members of the Institute of Internal Auditors-Armenia, a report on the activities of the Institute in 2013 was presented. During the annual meeting new board consisting of 9 members was elected by the members of the Institute of Internal Auditors-Armenia for the coming 3 years, representing banking, insurance, telecommunications and consulting sectors.During the meeting, it was announced about the Regional Conference to be held in Yerevan on May 15-16, 2014 and the Annual Meeting of the leaders of the Institutes of the Internal Auditors of the Central and Eastern European countries.On the same day Jean-Pierre Garitte, the former Board Chairman of IIA, delivered a lecture for the members of the Institute.Today 70 specialists representing 25 organizations and 10 sectors, are members of Institute of Internal Auditors-Armenia. Tweet Views 5240