Russian auditors went on strike on May 20-21 protesting against the domination of "Big Four" on the market - PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte, Ernst & Young and KPMG. 350 audit companies and over 2 thousand individual auditors took part in the strike, RBK Daily writes today.As of the newspapers' data, auditors lost the 1/5 of the customers (about 18 thousand organizations) over the past 2 years. At the same time, all the 400 major companies of Russia are customers of "Big Four"."Big Four" assesses the situation in a different way. "The number of audit companies in Russia is large without any grounds, head of the Audit Department of KPMG in Russia, CIS, Andrey Shvetsov. “The market can't function properly where there are 10 customers per 1 organization on average”, he said. Tweet Views 4654