How often the Armenian banking cards are used?

21.05.2013 | 10:39 Home / News / News /

As of the social survey conducted by the Armenian Marketing Association, 45% of the respondents noted they use banking cards services.

63% of the surveyed noted that they have ArCa, 44%- VISA and 27% - MasterCard. 50% of the surveyed have only one card, 33% - 2 cards and 12% - 3 cards and 5% - 4 and more cards.

Within the research,'s question was also asked to the respondents: "How often do you purchase by means of a banking card including internet shopping?"

13% of the surveyed noted that they purchase through banking cards once a month, 7$ - several times a week and 3% - every day. As for internet purchases, 6% of the card holders make online purchases once a month while 4% - several times a week.

The results were received as of the seventh research of the monitoring program of Armenian Marketing Association conducted through a phone poll in March 2013. 800 people in Yerevan took part in the survey.

The program allows defining the rating of banks, attitude to the banking system and assessing the banking services. will provide other details of the research within coming days.

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