Habitat for Humanity Armenia served a record 1451 families through rehabilitation and repairs in 2012 breaking the previous year’s record by more than 1225 families.In addition to housing construction efforts, Habitat for Humanity Armenia provided an additional 283 people with technical assistance, including financial literacy training and construction advice and training. Currently, Habitat Armenia implements the following projects: Building hope in female headed households, Apartment buildings renovation, Home improvement microfinance for low-income families and simultaneously provides Housing support services to families, all in close partnership with its Microfinance partners: Kamurj UCO LLC, Inecobank CJSC, Nor Horizon UCO LLC and ECLOF UCO. “Habitat in Armenia brings people together to build homes, communities and hope. Today, I am proud that Armenia has served 2500 families during the past 12 years. In 2013 Habitat Armenia plans to serve about 1500 families in partnership with its financial partners expanding and the scope of its current housing projects,” said Luiza Vardanyan, Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity Armenia. Tweet Views 3544