Syrian Armenians’ immigration did not affect the Armenian real estate market

01.11.2012 | 05:07 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. The Armenian real estate market requires “financial and legislative procedures.”

Director of “Akcern” Real Estate Agency Hakob Baghdasaryan said this today, Mediamax reports.

He noted that the realty market has not undergone significant changes over the last year.

“I think to improve the situation on the market the government should assume some risks in order to ensure activity in this sphere,” Hakob Baghdasaryan said.

He also said that even the immigration of Syrian Armenians to the country did not affect the real estate market, as there is emigration in Armenia.

According to Hakob Baghdasaryan, the election period will also negatively affect the market as people prefer to conduct estate deals after elections. --0--

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