BSC to provide HR management skills

24.10.2012 | 03:11 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. \"BSC\" training company organizes a training on \"Human Resource Management - Basic Knowledge for Start-ups\".

The training will provide skills of human resource planning, conducting of effective interviews, improvement of staff performance, professional orientation of a new associate and forming of the company\'s value system, Mediamax was informed in the BSC.

The training is meant both for start-up HR managers and any other manager who wants to improve his knowledge and experience in the sphere.

Upon completion of the training, the participants of the training will acquire practical skills and knowledge on HRM for supporting company’s corporate strategy as well as will be able to create a win-win relationship with employees by seeking the best fit between organizational and individual goals.

The 3-day training starts on October 31, 2012.

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