The Armenian government turns down draft law on increasing minimum salary

20.09.2012 | 04:26 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. The Armenian government turned down the draft law \"On Amendments on the Law \"On Minimum Salary\"\" proposed by the MP from opposition Hrant Bagratyan today.

Armenian Minister of Finance Vache Gabrielyan said that the 100% increase in salary \"will be a hard burden for the Armenian state budget\", Mediamax reports.

The draft law suggested increasing the minimum salary from current AMD 32 500 up to AMD 72 500.

The Minister noted that the government will have to revise the salaries of government employees in case of increasing minimum salary which will entail extra state budget expenditures at AMD 360bln. Besides, according to the Minister, the volume of shadow economy will grow as private companies will start concealing real salary amounts.

In the government\'s medium-term program, increase in minimum salary is scheduled for 2013-2015.

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