Yerevan/Mediamax/. Converse Bank worked out special package offers for non-corporate customers who started using the Armenian banking system for the first time. Packages include the most applicable services and are worked out to facilitate and coordinate the bank-client relations.The offer is presented in the form of \"Basic\" and \"Expanded\" packages. \"Basic\" packages includes the option of using the savings accounts, payment cards and services of internet banking at more affordable tariffs. In case of \"Expanded\" package, time deposits issued on special terms and individual bank vaults are added to \"Basic\" package. \"The development of the package offer was based on the desire to constantly expand the client\'s opportunities of using the banking services. It is meant for financial transactions of the clients to be more affordable and handy\", the bank\'s press release notes.Converse Bank expresses the confidence that the package offer will be of special interest among the Armenian Diaspora representatives. Tweet Views 5885