Ameriabank to attract $50mln from international structures in 2011

08.07.2011 | 16:34 Home / News / News /
Yerevan/Mediamax/. As of first quarter of 2011, the assets of Ameriabank made AMD 177bln, having increased by 46% as compared to the same period of 2010.

Ameriabank Development Director Tigran Jrbashyan said at a press conference in Yerevan that the as of 6 months of 2011, the bank’s liabilities made AMD 145bln, having increased by 60% against the same period of last year.

“The growth of liabilities is conditioned by the attraction of $130mln from international structures. This year the bank is also planning to attract $50mln from international organizations,” Tigran Jrbashyan said, adding that these means will be directed mainly to the financing of small and medium enterprises and renewable energy.

As of 6 months of 2011, the bank’s fixed period deposits reached AMD 48bln, having increased by 23%. At the same time, the deposits of individuals during the same period grew by 70% in the bank, making AMD 31bln.

The credit portfolio of the bank reached AMD 115bln, having grown by 60% as compared to first 6 months of 2010.

Tigran Jrbashyan also said that during first 6 months of 2011 the profit of the bank made nearly AMD 2mln, which exceeds the analogous index of 2010 almost by 50%.
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