Insurance companies to get involved in the process of cars’ technical checkup

31.03.2011 | 18:16 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Armenian government approved today an order of realizing the compulsory technical checkup of personal transport means.

According to the order, a differentiated approach will be demonstrated towards public use transport means and personal transport means concerning their technical checkup process, provision of checks and registration.

Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsian said that according to the results of a monitoring, numerous shortcomings have been revealed, in particular the fact that technical checkup of cars is of formal nature, moreover, citizens make payments, not provided for by the legislation, or even do not present their cars for technical checkup at all.

He said that the approved decision allows the market being self-regulated, the citizens individually choosing the one of the three dozens of technical checkup stations, where they would like to carry out the process.

According to the Prime Minister the next step will be involvement of insurance companies in solution of the given problem, due to which the principle of mutual control will be in effect.

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