Yerevan Mayor believes some branches of municipal services can be effectively managed by the private sector

02.03.2011 | 09:54 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Yerevan Mayor Karen Karapetian and president of “Tashir Group” company Samvel Karapetian have signed a long-term cooperation agreement.

As Mediamax was told in the press service of Yerevan Municipality, the agreement signed on March 1 envisages construction of hotel meeting international standards in downtown Yerevan, finishing the construction of trade and entertainment center “Dalma Garden”, creation of modern trading centers on Northern Avenue, reconstruction and modernization of Yerevan Circus, establishment of recreation areas and parks in various parts of the city.

Karen Karapetian noted that the relations formed between Yerevan Municipality and big business create basically new quality of cooperation for city’s governance and municipal services.

Yerevan Mayor expressed confidence that separate branches of municipal services may be effectively managed by the private sector.

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