3 banks and 2 insurance companies receive diplomas for cooperation with Armenia's Office of Financial Reconciler

24.01.2011 | 13:19 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. The Office of Financial Reconciler of Armenia considered 642 complaints in 2010.

Addressing a press conference in Yerevan today, Financial Reconciler of Armenia Piruz Sargsian said that from the whole number of complaints only 450 referred to the Office’s activity, Mediamax reports.

The complaints mainly referred to banks (419). The rest of complaints referred to pawn shops (80), credit organizations (75) and insurance companies (63).

Piruz Sargsian stated that during 2010, 70% of complaints were satisfied for the benefit of clients, which is a good index according to international norms. During the accounting period, the total volume of compensations paid to the clients amounted to AMD 28.358.961.

Today, five organizations received diplomas for most effective cooperation with the Office of Financial Reconciler of Armenia in 2010: “Bank VTB Armenia”, “HSBC Bank Armenia”, “Byblos Bank Armenia” as well as “INGO Armenia” and “Rosgosstrakh Armenia” insurance companies.

Speaking about Office’s plans for 2011, Piruz Sargsian noted that this year they are planning to hold a regular international Conference of Financial Ombudsmen in Yerevan.

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