“Achilles” Head believes that after 2011, the cost of CIVOCL policies will increase at least by 30%

05.11.2010 | 10:59 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Chairman of “Achilles” Center for Protection of Drivers’ Rights Eduard Hovhannisyan stated the necessity to carry out large-scale information works on increasing legal literacy of Armenian drivers in the sphere of Compulsory Insurance of Vehicle Owners’ Civil Liability (CIVOCL).

Eduard Hovhannisyan stated in an interview to Mediamax that Media, in particular, television, focus attention on sales of insurance policies, while they should also carry out serious explanatory work concerning legal aspects of CIVOCL.

According to Hovhannisyan, numerous calls, received by the organization, evidence lack of elementary knowledge in the sphere of CIVOCL among drivers, starting from interpretation of the very notion and up to rights and duties of drivers in case an insurance case takes place.

“The law, regulating CIVOCL sphere, is quite volume and detailed, and this is a step forward. At the same time I believe that at least a year should pass from the moment of adoption of the law and up to its implementation in order to carry out large-scale explanatory works among drivers”, Eduard Hovhannisyan stressed.

Touching upon organizing the process of policy sales, “Achilles” Head noted that insurance companies have carried out quite volume work on forming a wide agent network. “Today each customer is taken into account and the drivers should only demonstrate good will and register CIVOCL policies in time”, he stated.

Eduard Hovhannisyan agreed to the opinion that for insurance companies CIVOCL will become an unprofitable product. According to his assessments, with CIVOCL implementation, official statistics of traffic accidents will increase 5-7 times.

“The first year of CIVOCL implementation will give answers to many questions. According to my forecasts, in the following years the cost of insurance policies will increase at least by 30%”, Hovhannisyan noted.

Compulsory Car Insurance comes into effect on January 1, 2011, and for each 10 days of delay in registration of policies, the size of fine sanctions will increase by 5 thousand AMD.

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