BSTDB considers the opportunity to enter the capital of Armenian companies

26.10.2010 | 14:54 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB) considers the opportunity to enter the capital of prospective Armenian enterprises.

Mediamax reports that BSTDB Chairman Andrey Kondakov stated in Yerevan today that “besides project and corporative funding, we are also interested in entering the capital of various enterprises, both directly and via participation in investment funds”. He stated that BSTDB, in particular, carries out negotiations with a Fund, which has demonstrated its capacities in the Balkans, and considers the opportunity of starting its operations in the Caucasus region.

Speaking of other BSTDB plans in Armenia, Andrey Kodakov stated that the bank intends to allocate credits to three Armenian banks, considers the opportunity of reoccurring crediting of one of Armenian borrowers, working in food sector, as well as plans to fund real estate sphere.

National Director of BSTDB on Armenia, Deputy Minister of Finance Vardan Aramyan stated that the government will contribute to directing credit investments of BSTDB in spheres, which contribute to diversification of economy and export development.

Andrey Kodakov was received by Armenian President Serzh Sargsian today. President welcomed BSTDB steps on funding the real sector of Armenian economy, marking affordability of credit means, offered by the bank.

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