Public Council continues studying letters on DILIJAN International School project

26.07.2010 | 12:37 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Public Council (PC) of Armenia continues receiving open letters on possible opening of foreign language schools.

PC Chairman’s Assistant Hakob Barkhudaryan said this today, answering Mediamax question on when and how Public Council plans to respond to DILIJAN International School project initiators’ open letter. He said that PC has received an open letter also from “Against changes in law on language” group and should carry out the correspondent analysis.

Hakob Barkhudaryan informed that Public Council will make its decision after detailed study of all the letters.

On July 14, DILIJAN International School project initiators turned to Public Chamber with an open letter, where cancellation of the project was not ruled out. “As the body that has the duty of announcing public opinion, the consolidated view of the Public Council will help us to make a reasonable decision regarding the future of the project”, the letter reads.

DILIJAN International School project initiators’ letter is available here:

“Against changes in law on language” group members’ letter is available here:

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