“Capital Asset Management” to put a few types of funds into operation

01.07.2010 | 15:44 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Small sizes of the Armenian financial market allow the regulator fully controlling the situation and deterring all possible risks, General Director of “Capital Asset Management” Investment Company Tigran Karapetyan stated in an interview to Mediamax today.

According to him, today the main goal of the financial market of Armenia is implementation of private pension and investment funds.

“Our company, in particular, intends to put various types of funds into operation next year: an investment fund, which will carry out exclusively close share investments (private equity fund), a fund, which will attract public means and realize portfolio management in foreign fund markets, and, finally, a pension fund, where both individuals and legal entities will be offered private pension schemes”, General Director of “Capital Asset Management” stated.

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