Tax proceeds to NKR state budget increased in 2009

02.02.2010 | 10:17 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Over 19bln 280mln AMD of tax proceeds, duties and compulsory social insurance payments entered the state budget of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) in 2009.

Mediamax was informed in NKR State Tax Service that this index exceeds the level of 2008 for 1bln 995mln AMD or by 11.5%.

At the same time, as compared to the year of 2008, the tax proceeds by five large taxpayers reduced for 1bln 150mln AMD, and the proceeds from the largest taxpayer in NKR – “Base Metals” Company, increased by 300mln AMD.

Without taking into account six largest taxpayers, the growth of tax proceeds’, duties’ and compulsory social insurance payments’ volume made 27%, as compared to 2008.

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