Armenian PM was present at “Aspar Wild Tour” presentation

21.07.2009 | 15:59 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsian was present at the presentation of “Aspar Wild Tour” tourism organization today.

Mediamax reports Tigran Sargsian as stating that he welcomes any initiative, aiming at developing tourism in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh.

“Arrival of such organizations in the market will significantly increase the range of tourist services, which are available for both citizens of Armenia and foreign tourists”, Armenian Prime Minister stated.

He informed that today a roundtable will take place with participation of representatives of tourism companies in Armenia, who have recently paid a visit to Nagorno-Karabakh, aiming at examining the opportunities to organize tours.

As the Director of Military-Sport Complex “Aspar Arms” Samvel Margaryan informed Mediamax, “Aspar Wild Tour” offers customers exotic and wild tours to corners of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh, which have not been well researched, tours on horses and bicycles, safari, eco-tourism, as well as multi-day tours to observe birds.

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