Websites of Armenian issuers yield to new EU members, but excel Ukrainian ones

17.06.2009 | 15:12 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. First seminar in Armenia “Investor Relations Management” is in process in Yerevan.

Mediamax reports that, launching the seminar, Chief Executive Officer of “NASAQ OMX Armenia” Armen Melikyan stated that relations with investors influence the market cost of the company, noting that “the cost of a security is the attitude of the investor towards the issuer”.

During the seminar, Director of “Partners for Financial Stability” Program Geoffrey Mazullo presented comparative analysis of organizing investor relations via websites of issuers from Armenia and other countries.

According to the report, as to representation of data, related to corporate management, presented at websites, Armenian issuers yield to new members of the European Union, but excel Ukrainian companies as to the given index.

He noted that availability of the member list of Board of Directors and Supervisory Board is desirable, as well as their photos, biographic data, duties and information on shares, which are owned by members of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board.

Senior Inspector of Corporate Finance Division of Armenian Central Bank’s (CB) Financial Control Department Narek Khublaryan presented CB requirements for information disclosure by issuers.

International practice of investor relations management was also presented during the seminar.

The seminar is realized at the initiative of “NASDAQ OMX Armenia” Stock Exchange and “Partners for Financial Stability” program of U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the East-West Management Institute.

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