Level of customer security of financial organizations in Armenia is high

15.04.2009 | 13:11 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. In the first quarter, 2009, the Office of the Financial System Ombudsman of Armenia received 67 complaints against financial organizations, 37 of which were not subject to consideration under the current legislation.

Mediamax reports that, speaking at a news conference in Yerevan today, the Financial Ombudsman Piruz Sargsian stated that 10 out of 30 complaints, which were subject to consideration, were received in written form.

2 written complaints were turned down after consideration, consideration of one complaint was interrupted because of the corresponding request of the customer, 3 complaints were met by the method of reconciliation of the customer and the financial organization at the mediation of the Financial Ombudsman.

The remaining 4 complaints are at the stage of consideration.

Piruz Sargsian informed that 4 out of 10 written complaints were related to payment-account transactions, 3 – to time deposits, 2 – to insurance compensation, and 1 – to a credit deal.

According to Piruz Sargsian, the level of customer security of financial organizations in Armenia is high, and problems occur mainly because customers do not know their rights and duties.

The Financial Ombudsman informed on the plans of realizing seminars in the regions of Armenia on increasing awareness of citizens on the financial market.

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