Ex-General Director of “ArmenTel” said good bye to Armenia at Itel.am

03.04.2009 | 10:16 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Ex-General Director of “ArmenTel” Neicho Velichkov said good bye to Armenia by means of his blog at www.Itel.am website.

“I would not like to get into details as to the reasons of my resignation from “ArmenTel”. More important, to my mind, is to talk about the company, about what has taken place in the company within the recent year. “ArmenTel” was the first to launch a third generation network. The company initiated technologic convergence of landline and mobile networks. Numerous new initiatives and products were introduced”, Neicho Velichkov noted.

The farewell address of “ArmenTel” Ex-Head is available at http://www.itel.am/en-blog-2575.html.

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