Social expenses of the state budget will be realized timely and in full volume

12.03.2009 | 13:23 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. All social expenses of the state budget-2009 will be realized timely and in full volume.

Mediamax reports that Chairman of Standing Parliamentary Committee on Financial-Budgetary and Economic Issues Gagik Minasyan said this today.

According to him, a number of budgetary expenses, in particular, directed to development of infrastructures, most likely, will be moved to the third or the fourth quarter. Gagik Minasyan noted that reestablishment and establishment of infrastructures plays an important role in crisis conditions, since it creates workplaces and has a positive influence on entire economy.

He stressed that increase of social expenses is not planned for, as since the beginning of the year they have already increased for 14%, given forecasted inflation at the volume of 8% in 2009.

Talking about CB decision to shift to floating exchange rate policy, Gagik Minasyan noted that this step was made on time, since the banking system of Armenia was to have collected additional liquidity.

The MP gave a positive assessment to the work of the Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition, noting that in general it worked efficiently. At that he noted that tax bodies should be especially attentive, since goods, which have passed the clearance before AMD devaluation, are sold at overcharge, which increases the tax liabilities of importers.

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