40 high-ranking officials from the OAS member countries visited the "Yeremyan Projects" farm

04.10.2024 | 10:31 Home / News /
On October 2, over 40 high-ranking government officials, policymakers, representatives from business, civil society, and academia from both member and observer countries of the Organization of American States visited the modern livestock complex of “Yeremyan Projects” in the Tashir community of the Lori region. The visit was part of the "American Competitiveness Exchange" (ACE) 2024 program, which aims to facilitate dialogue and cooperation between participating countries and Armenia, focusing on agriculture, information and communication technologies (ICT), renewable energy, tourism, STEM education, and winemaking.

The participants toured the farm, accompanied by David Yeremyan, the CEO of the “Yeremyan Projects” group of companies, Artsrun Khachatryan, Head of Agricultural Projects, and Lusine Yeremyan, Marketing and Communications Director, Deputy General Director. The guests explored the innovative and modern livestock complex, which is equipped with advanced agricultural technologies, automated systems, and equipment, in compliance with international standards of production and quality. During their visit to the Lori region, participants of the program were also hosted by the Children of Armenia Fund (COAF) to take part in a panel discussion titled "Innovative Agriculture: Examples of Sustainable Agriculture for Improving Food Security”. During the discussion, David Yeremyan, the General Director of the “Yeremyan Projects” presented the company's strategy, the business model of agricultural projects, adopted policies and concepts.

David Yeremyan emphasized the “From Seed to Table” concept, stating: “Through the ‘From Seed to Table’ concept, we oversee every stage of milk production, which helps ensure food security and address challenges within the sector. This model is also an example that allows us to develop modern animal husbandry; through our activities, we are changing stereotypes, producing milk and dairy products of the highest quality that are accessible in the mass market, and creating a new culture of quality milk consumption," noted David Yeremyan.

It is worth noting that the prestigious program American Competitiveness Exchange (ACE) brings together high-ranking government officials, business leaders, policymakers and entrepreneurs from across Americas. This high-level event is organized under the auspices of the Organization of American States (OAS) and serves as a platform to promote economic development, innovation and business cooperation.
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