“Norvik” plans to implement new financial services in 2009

26.12.2008 | 15:31 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. “Norvik” Universal Credit Organization (UCO) summed up the results of the activity in 2008, which became a “year of active growth and elaboration of prospective projects”.

As Mediamax was told in the press service of “Norvik” UCO today, the company registered significant growth of assets, which, as of December 1, 2008, made about 19.2bln AMD, 97% of which make the credit investments.

The total capital of the company made 2.9bln AMD.

According to Chief Executive Officer of “Norvik” Tigran Bostanjyan, the global financial crisis had certain influence on the financial market of Armenia and today there is the necessity to take up measures to minimize the consequences of the crisis.

In 2009, “Norvik” UCO plans to implement new financial services – a special system for customer service – My Norvik, set up on the basis of My.Norvik.am website, as well as an opportunity to repay credits through internet.

“Norvik” was founded in Jule, 2006, by a Latvian-Iceland “Norvik Bank” SC.

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