ANIF CEO presented the features of Armenia's largest solar energy project "Aig-1"

02.06.2023 | 17:30 Home / News /
#David Papazian #ANIF #"Aig-1"
ANIF CEO David Papazian participated and spoke at the SWFI’s Global Wealth Forum in London.

ANIF’s CEO spoke at the panel discussion on investments in the field of renewable energy. He presented the features of Armenia's largest solar energy project "Aig-1", an investment project developed together with Masdar and spoke about the growing importance of investments in the field of sustainable development.

David Papazian was awarded the "Good Fellow" Award of the SWFI. The award is given for personal efforts and achievements in the field of wealth creation.

Heads of sovereign funds of several countries, representatives of state institutions, and investors are among the recipients of the award.

More than 300 participants from several dozen countries participate in the annual forum held in London, including heads of sovereign wealth funds, members of governments and parliaments, private investment funds, individual investors.

About 600,000 investment professionals, representatives of private and sovereign investment funds, individual investors are on the platform of the SWFI.
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