Conference on issues of management, systemization and archiving of documents took place on Yerevan

11.12.2008 | 17:07 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Armenian-British “IAB Centre” Training Company and French “Damaris” IT-Company realized a conference in Yerevan today, devoted to the prospects of increasing efficiency in management, systemization and archiving of documents.

Mediamax reports that IAM Centre Director Araksia Melkonyan presented the results of a survey, according to which about 50% of the polled Armenian companies experience certain difficulties, related to these or those aspects of management, systemization and archiving of documents. According to her, in Armenia, there is the problem today of increasing the awareness of companies, organization of consulting and training programs, as well as implementation of electronic solutions to modernize the system of document management.

Director of “Damaris” Company Artak Abedi presented the international practice of document management to conference participants, as well as the Company’s capacities to organize the full circle of electronic management of documents.

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