“ProCredit Bank” for the first time in Armenia celebrated the “World Savings Day”

30.10.2008 | 15:06 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. “ProCredit Bank” for the first time in Armenia celebrated the “World Savings Day”##.

Mediamax reports that the bank organized a number of educational events on savings for various target groups in its branches today.

Head of Banking Services Department of “ProCredit Bank” Aleksey Paniklov stated that the bank pays great attention to financial education of the customers.

“We stimulate spreading of the savings culture in Armenia, since the confidence for banks in the country is not high today, and the correlation of individuals’ deposits to the GDP makes only 20%”, Aleksey Paniklov stated. According to him, one of the main reasons of low level of confidence towards banks is the insufficient information of the population.

The World Savings Day has been celebrated in many countries for already 84 years. The idea to celebrate this day appeared in 1924 in Milan at the international congress of savings banks. In 1989, the Day was officially approved by UN.

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