“FTA-Telecom” to provide services under Orange brand in Armenia

17.10.2008 | 12:09 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC) of Armenia established today to provide## a preliminary license to “FTA-Telecom” CJSC, founded by France Telecom.

Mediamax reports that the Head of PSRC Telecommunication Department Gevorg Gevorgyan stated today that a sum of 51.5mln euro will have to be paid by “FTA-Telecom” in the course of one banking day after receiving the final license.

Director of “FTA-Telecom” Christian Boinot stated today that in the nearest future a technical group of France Telecom specialists will arrive in Armenia.

According to him, “FTA-Telecom” will start providing services of mobile connection in Armenia starting from January 1, 2010.

Despite its legal name “FTA-Telecom” (France Telecom Armenia), the company will function under Orange brand in Armenia.

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