Presentation of Armenian representative office of Softline Company took place in Yerevan

02.10.2008 | 13:32 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Presentation of Armenian representative office of Softline Company, one of the leading companies## in Russia and the CIS in the sphere of licensing software, as well as education and consulting in IT sphere, took place in Yerevan today.

Mediamax reports that the Director of the Armenian representative office of Softline Armen Karapetyan, speaking at the presentation, stated that the entry of Softline to the Armenian market will contribute to taking the sphere of software support in Armenia to a licensed level.

According to him, the given task is already accomplished by the Company in all CIS states, and not it is Armenia’s turn.

Manager of Softline in CIS states Maxim Karamishev informed that in 13 countries the company is the authorized partner and the official distributor of about 3000 software producers, including Microsoft, IBM, Citrix, Kaspersky, Symantec and ABBYY.

Maxim Karamishev noted that the Company is actively cooperating with a number of higher educational institutions in Russia and the CIS, informing on the Company’s intentions to open an educational center in Yerevan.

Head of the Armenian representative office of Microsoft Grigor Barseghyan stressed the importance of education and consulting by Softline, which, according to him, is extremely important for Armenia.

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