Armenia’s financial system cannot yet provide the Diaspora the whole spectrum of financial tools

22.06.2008 | 16:42 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. The financial system of Armenia cannot yet provide the Diaspora## the whole spectrum of financial tools, Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sarkisian stated.

Mediamax reports that Tigran Sarkisian said this, speaking in Dilijan at the annual meeting of the Union of Armenian Banks June 21.

“The Central Bank, while elaborating its programs, takes into account not only the territory of Armenia, but the whole Armenian world - the financial flows, realized by the Armenian Diaspora, have a direct influence on the financial system of Armenia”, the Prime Minister stated.

According to him, Armenia should become a financial center on the platform of the Armenian world, and this difference will become the advantage of Armenia as compared to other financial centers.

The Prime Minister noted that financial structures, which would take into account that reality, should be established in the country. “We already have the money transfer systems of “Anelik” Bank and “Unibank”, however we should form a worldwide network, which would allow our compatriots effectively realizing financial operations”, Tigran Sarkisian stated, singling out in that context the importance of establishing an All-Armenian Bank.

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