Yerevan /Mediamax/. For their further development, the privately held businesses## in Armenia do not rule out the possibility of concluding deals on merger and acquisition. Mediamax reports that the results of the International Business Report, published recently by Grant Thornton International, evidence this. In particular, 19% of the privately held businesses, functioning in Armenia, plan to grow through concluding deals on merger and acquisition in the course of the nearest three years. Globally, despite the large-scale turbulence in the financial markets, the given index makes 44%. At that the deals on merger or acquisition, realized both within the country and outside its borders, are considered by private enterprises as the basic strategic tool for their further development. According to the survey, most interest for the realization of such deals is demonstrated by private enterprises of countries with growing economy – BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China (59%)). In the USA the given index makes 48%, and in Europe – 30%. The report also notes that globally only 8% of private enterprises plan to sell their business in the course of the nearest three years. For Armenia the given index makes 5%. Tweet Views 6310