“ArmenTel” to abate the debts for the first quarter of 2008 to the subscribers of fixed connection

14.05.2008 | 18:12 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Leadership of “ArmenTel” Company (Beeline trademark) made a decision to abate the debts## for the first quarter of 2008 to the subscribers of fixed connection. The debts appeared as a result of work on technical modernization of the fixed network.

As the Acting General Director of “ArmenTel” Gennady Kalgashkin stated at a news conference in Yerevan today, such decision was “a result of the scene, which has been recently registered in the subscribers’ service points”.

According to him, in the mentioned period, the Company provided real connection services to subscribers of fixed connection, however it did not have the chance to present the complete bills for phone talks from fixed to mobile connection, and the subscribers received those only in April.

Gennady Kalgashkin informed that concerning the subscribers, who have already paid for the bills presented, automatic correction will be used next month.

Head of “ArmenTel” stated that, taking into consideration the present situation, the Company will not disconnect the fixed connection of those subscribers and will give them opportunity to pay the sum, which they consider “correct”. At that, Gennady Kalgashkin urged the citizens to control their budget for telephone services and follow the calls, realized by their children.

Kalgashkin stressed that the Company realizes its responsibility for the state budget of Armenia and it not only takes upon itself the burden of its subscribers, but will also pay all the taxes.

Head of “ArmenTel” noted that the given problem had effect on 20% of the subscribers of fixed connection, the maintenance of which is realized with the use of the new equipment.

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