“Finances. Credits. Insurance and Audit Expo-2008” to take place in Yerevan

29.04.2008 | 10:51 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Over 25 organizations of the financial-banking sector of Armenia, will participate in the exhibition “Finances. Credits##. Insurance and Audit Expo-2008”, which will take place on May 2-4 in Yerevan.

As Mediamax was told in LOGOS EXPO Center, the following sections will function at the exhibition: banking; banking services for legal entities and individuals; mortgage crediting; crediting of small and medium enterprise; consumer express-crediting; car crediting; financial consulting; investment management; insurance; realtor and assessment services; audit services.

The exhibition will take place at the support of the Ministry of Economy, the Central Bank, Armenian Development Agency, Union of Banks of Armenia, Union of Manufacturers and Entrepreneurs of Armenia.

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