Economic indices of Armenia for the first quarter of 2008 will be the worst ones in the recent years

02.04.2008 | 13:27 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Chairman of Parliamentary Committee on Financial-Credit ##and Budgetary Affairs Gagik Minasian stated today that the economic indices of Armenia for the first quarter of 2008 will be the worst ones in the course of the recent years.

Mediamax reports that Gagik Minasian stated at a news conference in Yerevan today that the post-election events directly influences on the economic life of the country.

The Armenian MP stated that the main issue for the new coalitional government should become the indices of the following three quarters, which will be carefully observed by the society.

Gagik Minasian expressed opinion that only political consent may return the country into the previous path, and the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) will not stop proposing a dialogue. He expressed opinion that in the nearest future, the authorities and the opposition will come to consent, since “we are all the children of one nation”.

Commenting on the participation of “Orinats Yerkir” Party in the coalitional government, Gagik Minasian stated that the given political force has the same programs, as RPA, only the ways of solution are different, and coalitional agreement will fix and compare all the ways to achieve common goals.

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