For the first time in Armenian financial system, Evocabank is introducing its own trendy, unique emojis – Evojis, designed for teens and the youth.“Evojis can be used through WhatsApp and Telegram apps as well as on iMessage. Evojis arestyled for Yerevan youth to fit various situations characterizing the lifestyle of modern activeyouth.Evojis can be downloaded absolutely free of charge, by pressing the icon of a relevant app,” Evocabank explained. “Evojis will become an integral part of youth’s lifestyle and used more and more frequently. Moreover, there is a new line of extra Evojis to come,” said Lucy Sarukhanyan, the head of Evocabank Marketing and PR department.“As a fast, simple and innovative bank, Evocabank’s distinguishing feature is its innovationshelping it keep up with the times,” the bank added. Tweet Views 11459