Economic forecasts of 100 Armenian entrepreneurs were included in the “International Business Report 2007”

10.10.2007 | 16:55 Home / News / News /

Yerevan, October 10 /Mediamax/. “International Grand Thornton Amyot” Independent Audit Company published the “International Business Report 2007”, in which the expectations, projects and trends of 7200 large and medium entrepreneurs from 32 countries, which produce the 81% of the world GDP, were reflected.

As the representative of International Grand Thornton Amyot Gurgen Hakopian stated at a news conference in Yerevan today, the report also included the economic forecasts of 100 Armenian entrepreneurs. According to Hakopian, such reports help competent international organizations to get an impression on the economic situation in Armenia.

In accordance with the published data, the absence of tools of long-term financing is the key obstacle for business in Armenia, according to 38% of the polled entrepreneurs. At the same time, 53% of the Armenian entrepreneurs marked increase of workplaces in their establishments in 2006, at that the world index stood at 44%.

The main topics of the report included “Business prospect”, “Economic cooperation with speedy-developing economies (Brazil, Russia, India, China)”, “Index of speedy economic growth”, “Women, occupying leading positions” and “Environmental protection”).

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