Telcell completed works on modernizing street terminals

25.03.2009 | 16:31 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Telcell payment system concluded works on modernizing street terminals.

As Mediamax was told in the press service of the Company, the necessity for modernization ripened after a full cycle of operation of such type of equipment, which includes its use both in summer and winter periods, as well as in low seasons.

To prevent atmospheric precipitation from entering inside the case of the payment terminal, damp proofing of the case is improved, internal thermal insulation is substituted, ventilation and cooling systems are modernized. Special filters are installed to minimize the influence of car exhaust on the equipment.

Attention is paid to security as well – terminals are equipped by new locks, sound alarm systems and are connected to a single network. Lighting lamps are installed on all terminals, which will allow the payers better noticing them in dark hours of the day.

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