Number of transactions in Telcell network in the third quarter of 2008 increased for 30,5%

09.10.2008 | 10:59 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. The number of transactions, realized by the users of Telcell System## in the third quarter of 2008, increased for 30,5%.

Mediamax reports that Acting Director of “Telcell” CJSC Aram Azatyan stated that the growth of payment number was registered concerning all the operators. In the third quarter, the number of transactions, addressed to mobile connection operators increased for 31,2%, and concerning utility payments the index increased for 44,8%.

“Today the market gives us a good chance to advance. We observe increase of interest among people towards our payment service, correspondingly, the interest towards our System will also increase among companies, which provide services in the market, since the presence of a ramified payment infrastructure and the speed of accepting the means on the payments, is a very significant factor for their dynamic development”, Aram Azatyan stated.

The growth of transaction volumes in Telcell System in many respects is conditioned by signing new partner agreements and by developing the network of payment terminals. If in early 2008 the number of payment acceptance points made 197, in the period between January and September inclusively Telcell made the number reach 365 all over Armenia.

Aram Azatyan highlighted the high speeds of network development in the regions of Armenia. In the third quarter Telcell System realized the planned works, making the number of payment acceptance points beyond the borders of the capital city reach 22. Besides Yerevan and Gyumri, Telcell payment terminals have also appeared in Vanadzor, Etchmiadzin, Artashat, Sevan and Hrazdan.

In the third quarter, “Unibank” CJSC (payment acceptance through account-cash units of the bank’s branches) and “Norvik” UCO CJSC (repayment of consumer credits through payment terminals) also connected to Telcell System.

“We plan to further develop partner relations with representatives of the banking sector”, Aram Azatyan added.

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