30 July 2020

30.07.2020 | 07:21 Interviews
David Yeremyan: We didn’t close anything. We opened a new restaurant
03 July 2020
24 June 2020
15 June 2020

15.06.2020 | 11:01 Interviews
Vachik Gevorgyan: Balchug Capital values Armenia’s human capital
15 May 2020

15.05.2020 | 09:41 Interviews
Karen Yeghiazaryan: Banks should not be regarded as “movie villains”
06 May 2020

06.05.2020 | 13:34 Interviews
Andro Butkhuzi: GEFF continues support to banks during the lockdown
10 March 2020

10.03.2020 | 17:46 Interviews
Aren Naltakyan: We are not going to stop on current achievements
06 March 2020

06.03.2020 | 09:30 Interviews
Relevant: smart headhunting and executive search
12 February 2020
10 January 2020

10.01.2020 | 14:35 Interviews
Davit Yeremyan: “2020 will be a year of big changes”
15 November 2019

15.11.2019 | 09:04 Interviews
Aram Khachatryan: Respect your competitors and learn from them
12 November 2019

12.11.2019 | 10:00 Interviews
Hayk Yeganyan: Armenia Securities Exchange is modernizing