Index Ventures: Early “bets” in fintech can bring you billions

07.06.2018 | 15:39 Home / News / Fintech /
#Index Ventures #Neil Rimer
Index Ventures cofounder Neil Rimer is certain that early “bets” in fintech can bring billions of dollars of gain.

Forbes reports that “Europe’s most successful venture capital fund” made USD 258 million just from the sale of iZettle to PayPal and is due to make USD 1.39 billion from the upcoming IPO of Adyen.

Index Ventures also invests in the shares of Funding Circle, a peer-to-peer lending platform. Funding Circle plans to hold an IPO this summer, which could push Index’s 2018 fintech gains to over USD 2 billion.

According to Neil Rimer, Index Ventures’s successes are a sign that fintech is “erupting”.

“You know, I actually hate that word (fintech – We’ve been investing in financial services, long before they even called it fintech,” he said.

Forbes notes that “today’s wave of good fortune is all emerging from Europe’s booming fintech sector, a trend that Rimer and his team were early to spot”.

“The beauty of these industries (fintech –, unlike most others, is that you can be less than 1% of your target market, even your domestic target market, and still be a business valued in the billions,” said Rimer.

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