Araratbank lists its bonds on Armenia Securities Exchange

12.08.2019 | 14:55 Home / News / Capital Market /
#Araratbank #bonds
Today Araratbank presented bonds worth USD3 million (ISIN:AMARBKB2KER7) on AMX|Armenia Securities Exchange.

The bank noted that with USD25 nominal value, these corporate bonds have 5.5% coupon yield and 51 month maturity period.

Coupons are paid on a quarterly basis. Araratbank has 8 current bond listings on AMX, 6 of which are dollar-denominated.

“So citizens, both individuals and companies, can make buy and sell of the listed bonds on Abond platform of the stock exchange. Listing of bonds on the Exchange allows making manual trading and concluding Repo transactions as well,” the statement reads.

“Araratbank successfully concluded 20th consecutive allocation of bonds. Both individuals and legal entities participated in the allocation process which comes to prove that the bank has reliability among its customers and investors and stands steadily in the Armenian securities market. Due to its cooperation with AMX Securities Exchange, bank’s bonds were listed on the highest Abond list,” said Head of investment bank services at Araratbank Vachik Gevorgyan.

“Securities Exchange and Central Depository have commenced their cooperation with Araratbank since 2007. Due to this partnership, Araratbank connects citizens to the Depository and becomes a middleman in registry keeping and custody, thus recording and saving the right of ownership towards securities. Meanwhile, as a pension account operator, Araratbank provides quarterly and annual reports to the pension participants and carries out changes connected to the choice of funds and fund managers.

The partnership between AMX and Araratbank grows with every consecutive year. “AMX Best Member” annual awards highlights this at its best as two year onwards Araratbank receives “AMX Best Member” award,” the bank noted.
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