Last week, largest producer of business automated resource management systems in the world– SAP Company, announced its entry to the Armenian market. Armenia became the sixth country in CIS (after Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan), where SAP decided to develop business. SAP General Director in CIS Vladislav Martinov and SAP Deputy General Director in CIS Ishkhan Kazinyan talked about the reasons and prospects of the company’s arrival in Armenia in an interview to Mediamax. - At the business forum in Yerevan, dated to SAP’s arrival to the Armenian market, you explained this decision of the company by the dynamic growth of IT sector and low labor productivity in Armenian economy. Is that sufficient for SAP’s entry to a market, where business automation is at the embryo level? Vladislav Martinov: - The sphere of information technologies is announced to be a priority sphere by the decision of the Armenian government. The country leadership realizes that IT is an instrument, which will allow solving a number of tasks (economy diversification, increase of the low level of labor productivity, etc). According to the data of “Enterprise Incubator Foundation” (EIF), the sphere of information technologies in Armenia, following the results of 2009, registered 17% growth, at that the turnover of the companies following the results of the year made USD 130mln, and their productivity increased by 9%. And recently Armenian “Shirak Technologies” Company turned to us and presented a plan for SAP’s business development in Armenia. This pushed us towards the decision to start operating here. SAP always enters the market at the stage of its conception in order to bring the idea on the use of business solutions for enterprises and the country in general; and thus help create that market. We do not adjust to the growth speeds of a particular market, we establish those speeds ourselves. Read More Tweet Views 20940