Notaries to be obliged to provide cash register coupons

11.08.2011 | 15:00 Home / News / News /
Yerevan/Mediamax/. According to the decision made by today’s session of Armenian government, from now on, notaries will be obliged to provide cash register coupons to citizens while carrying out notary procedures.

This is expected to facilitate the speed and effectiveness of the provided services as well as the effective introduction of “one window” principle. Thus, a citizen will be exempted from the obligation to turn to one more level (bank).

Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan said that it is necessary to avoid paying all the sums to notaries.

“We should make payments through bank cards available for citizens as well”, stated the Prime Minister. “We should turn to CB for support in installing payment terminals in the notary offices so as our citizens could make non-cash payments on the spot”.

By another decision made by the government, the list of services provided by the State Register was specified.
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