Yerevan/Mediamax/. “Ameriabank” credit portfolio has increased by 17%, as compared to the beginning of the year, and made over AMD 103bln as of March 31, 2011. Mediamax was informed in the bank’s press service that 93% of the portfolio growth was secured by credits, issued for legal entities, the number of which has increased by over 18% in the accounting trimester. Legal entities’ credits, which make over 85% of the entire portfolio, made AMD 88bln as of 31.03.11. As of 31.03.11, “Ameriabank” secured high quality of credit portfolio: classified credits make only 0.64% from the entire credit portfolio of the bank. “Ameriabank” assets increased by 5% in the accounting trimester and made AMD 161bln MD as of the end of the trimester. As of April 20, the aggregate credit portfolio of “Ameriabank” /including financial leasing and factoring/ made AMD 111bln. Tweet Views 6681