Yerevan/Mediamax/. Oppositional Armenian National Congress (ANC) urged to delay implementation of the law on “Compulsory Third-Party Liability Insurance for Motor Vehicles” (CTP). “The issue of liability, based on operation of transport means, is quite well elaborated in the Civil Code of Armenia (Chapter 60), and its solution by a separate law in conditions, which reach a social cataclysm, is not urgent at all. The measures on compulsory car insurance, just like any idea of these illegal authorities, is not based on the interests of the society, but is targeted on establishing new mechanisms of robbery and corruption for oligarchs and top circles of the country’s leadership, which have become a caste of criminals”, ANC statement reads. “The established tariffs and fines are extremely high, while the volumes of sums, meant for compensation, on the contrary, are very low. This will have especially serious influence on social conditions of the majority of the population on the threshold of winter and the New Year holidays. As it was expected, application of non-market methods in the issue of tariff price formation will significantly reduce competition in the given sphere”, ANC assures. Tweet Views 13162