Yerevan/Mediamax/. “Areximbank-Gazprombank Group” implemented new systems of payment for personnel labor and motivation and social security of employees. Mediamax was informed in the bank that the new payment system for labor has effect on all staff employees and is based on position gradation. According to the new system, the salary of the bank employees consists of the wage rate basing on the position and the monthly bonus, which is defined by the monthly bonus basic coefficient, approved by the Board of the Bank. Besides, they also provide for the opportunity of additional stimulation payments. The system of the bank employees’ social security provides for various benefits and financial payments. “Certain terms of social payments are unique for the banking system of Armenia. Thus, the bank employees on vacation to care for a child till the latter’s age of three, are paid monthly benefit”, “Areximbank – Gazprombank Group” noted. The bank has also elaborated a crediting preferential system for its employees. Tweet Views 11337