Yerevan /Mediamax/. Signing of an agreement on constructing a ropeway through Vorotan Gorge to Tatev Monastery took place in Yerevan today. Mediamax reports that the program on promoting the monastery complex is being realized under the aegis of National Competitiveness Council of Armenia (NCCA), and “Ameria” Group is in charge for elaborating the program. The agreement on constructive the ropeway was signed by the Director of “Armenia 2020” program Artashes Kazakhetsyan and Deputy Sales Director of “Garaventa” Swiss Company Peter Bauman. Minister of Economy of Armenia Nerses Yeritsyan stated the importance of the program to promote Tatev Monastery and welcomed the agreement to construct the ropeway. The Minister noted that the format of private-public partnership, in which NCCA functions, allowed solving many complex issues within the framework of the program to promote Tatev. Executive Director of NCCA Pegor Papazian stated that construction of the ropeway, taking to Tatev, meets three main components of the program to develop tourism: marketing solutions, new tourism products and development of infrastructure. It is expected the works on constructing the ropeway through Vorotan Gorge will be launched in September, 2009, and will be concluded in September 2010. Garaventa is the largest world producer of ropeways. Annually the company puts into operation up to 200 new installations; its annual income turnover exceeds 500mln EUR. Tweet Views 12928