In January, the office Armenia’s Financial Ombudsman received 7 complaints

13.02.2009 | 15:23 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. In January, 2009, the office of Armenia’s Financial Ombudsman received 7 complaints.

Mediamax reports that the Ombudsman’s press service informed that 3 out of the received complaints were not subject to consideration, basing on the law on the “Ombudsman of the financial system”.

2 complaints related to incorrect calculation of percentages of monthly repayment of a credit by a bank and a credit organization. One complaint concerned illegal, according to the customer, withdrawal of means from the customer’s credit account, and another related to the refusal by an insurance company to compensate the damage.

Employees of the office of financial system’s Ombudsman advised the authors of complaints first of all to turn to the financial establishments, against which the complaints were presented. At the same time, the office of the Ombudsman controls the process of consideration of the given complaints.

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